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by Unknown in , ,

Mary was a beautiful, kind-hearted, and intelligent little girl. She was raised by God-fearing missionary parents on the east coast of Africa always green and luscious, abundant in animal life. A glimpse of paradise, at least a fragment of what it might have been. One cannot help but naturally imagine that Eden's location could have been here and not between the two great rivers in the Middle East. Here around the Equator rain is frequent, intense but short and then the sun appears again, smiling gently on the tranquil grassy fields.  The nature of survival takes its course. Blood-thirsty frenzies break out at sundown when the defenseless becomes the pray of the swift and fierce, then the morning comes and tranquility returns.

Mary often watched the sunsets and the dawns. She loved especially the rainbows which appeared quite frequently with extremely vibrant colors. 'Even the word "vibrant" suggests a movement, therefore life' - she meditated. 'And if life, then colors of the rainbow is a living thing just as plants in other forms. Oxygen is life and it is found in water and water is the most basic life-support for all creators. Light too' - she carried on with her spinning thoughts.  

'Light is so important... to keep us cheerful... giving man the ability to see... and enjoy the sight... and to be thankful for - that's right'.  Mary sat on the hill, under the shade of the favorite tree and watched the endless savannas while educating herself with new discoveries. 

Her teenage, turbulent years arrived and slowly the natural forced itself upon the list of her priorities.  The spiritual excitements were still strong down deep inside, but her body was now awakened to a different reality of which she had known nothing about. Now with an increased interest she watched the animals, how each travelled the field in pairs with their offspring huddling close by.  "How they need each other!" - she exclaimed. Inside a warm feeling permeated her body with the same longing, to be a pair as well.

Mary was quickly developing, emerging like a beautiful butterfly out of its cocoon. Every curve of her body telegrammed new messages with increased urgencies on the inside and also out to the male world.  The boys in the village often, sons of other missionary co-workers, blushed as they gazed at Mary. So did Mary. Both sides telegrammed secret messages that nature's time had arrived just as the hot rays of the springtime sun started to melt the ice of the long winter. New reality had arrived.  

Mary's parents were so busy with the Lord's work that they did not notice that their baby girl had become a woman. This message finally reached them when Mary, for the first time, threw a fit accusing them of hypocrisy, deadness, insecurity and scores of other things unheard of before in the mouth of this sweet, little, kind-hearted girl. The parents were confused and stunned for a moment. While still at the dinner table Mary dropped utensils and angrily left the room.  The father commenced to follow her to her bedroom but his wife took hold of his arm and motioned him to remain in his seat.

That night sleep eluded Mary's parents.  A new season had arrived requiring re-programming.

In subdued voice John asked his wife, "What is going on, Evelyn?” Evelyn's motherly instinct informed her of Mary's changes. Almost three quarters of the night were spent in coordination of their responses to this sudden new reality.

The next morning at the breakfast table.  Mary approached and said, "Daddy, Mommy, I am sorry for last night."  
"It is okay, child!" - John quickly responded, but was suddenly interrupted. 
"I am not a child anymore!" - Exclaimed Mary making her dramatic point.  
"You are our child," the mother broke her silence and the father quickly added, "It is obvious that you are not a child anymore, needless to say, Mary."
"And do not think that we do not understand. Your messages are loud and clear. Please sit down and have a breakfast with us." Mary responded obediently.

The head of the family continued, "I think that as a missionary family we should pray now and ask for guidance."

A few years passed and Mary fell in love. Her parents were beaming with delight. Their future son-in-law was a good man and from a well respected family.  

The couple was married and became a pair, hoping for an offspring.  

Years passed but Mary was not able to conceive. Her parents were advancing in years and longed to see their grandchildren. All sought to hide their frustrations and disappointments.  The elderly Smiths kept covering their children with prayers. Mary and Clark, often kneeling, asked the Almighty for children. Seasons changed and the migrating herds roamed the prairies in search of new pastures, but Mary and Clark experienced no change.  

The breaks between the seasons are not as obvious as in other parts of the world. When the inner clocks of the migrating herds send a message to move on, and out, the remaining ones including the humans begin to adjust to the changing realities.  

Mary and Clark also slowly adjusted to this new reality of childlessness. 'God's will be done', was their resolve.  

Then all of a sudden Mary got pregnant!  Joy filled their hearts. Mary's husband Clark, himself a doctor, often listened through the stethoscope to the tiny beats of their baby's heart. Nine months were completed and Mary was about to give birth.  

It was spring and rains were frequent. At midday Mary was already in intense labor, but the baby's passage was obstructed and a caesarean section had to be performed. As the baby's cry filled the room outside the window a multiple rings of the rainbow appeared and Mary just caught a glimpse of it and smiled - new life. They named their daughter Grace. But Mary's ordeal was not yet over.  The doctors urged another operation upon discovering large clusters of cancerous tumors in her uterus. The baby was placed in an incubator while Mary was slowly returning to her normal strength.

The baby was born with respiratory problems and the only way to keep it alive was in the incubator.  It was extremely hard for Mary and Clark. It was like a sledge hammer which had fallen on the already battered anvil. But can the anvil withstand the pressure? At times it seemed that Mary was hand-picked for the heaviest ordeal a woman can bear.  

A hysterectomy was performed. Mary's hopes for an enlarged family were shattered. Now the battle over the only one child begun.

Weeks passed and there was no sign of any improvement. Grace, still in the incubator, gasping for breath and growing very slowly. Doctors began to give up hope increasingly voicing their fears to Mary. But Mary could not even allow the faintest thought of those fears. She had seen the rainbow, the covenant was made.

"My baby will live!  My baby will live!  My baby will live!" She kept on raising her voice until streams of assurance would flood her soul. And then she would continue her endless confessions of faith, waiting for a sign of victory.  

Now month, not weeks, had passed and Mary kept her vigil. She fell asleep exhausted and in her dream she heard a voice like a thunder crossing the endless skies, yet she could distinctly understand its contents.  

"I am the life!..."  And then another thunder. "I am the life!  I am the life! I am the life!” While the sound filled the atmosphere exquisite colors appeared as they were painting a message on the canvas of the brightest blue sky, she had ever seen. "I am the life!!!" The third time it thundered and again the voice was carried by the rays of colors. That is when Mary awoke.  

It was late morning. It rained heavily and dark clouds obscured the daily light. Mary looked inside the incubator. The baby seemed to wiggle with increased energy. Mary's eyes were so used to the other sight that the slightest change was noticed at once.  She excitedly ran out of the room and called the doctor in charge. As they entered the room, the dark clouds suddenly gave way to the ever-prevailing sun's rays and a rainbow of the most beautiful magnitude stepped into the room and it seemed that its bottom end rested above the incubator. Mary and the doctor paused, mesmerized by the sight.  They looked inside, beholding Grace who lay on her back with arms opened up while her little chest moved with a normal regularity. The doctor checked the pulse and listened to the lungs functions through the stethoscope.  
"It is normal!" - He exclaimed with excitement.  
"Really normal!" - The doctor assured Mary.  
"O, thank you dearest Lord!!!”  Mary cried, smearing her healthy baby girl with tears of joy.

* * *

An intimate relationship with the Father is the goal, but the fruit of that relationship is a new walk. Enoch walked with God and the fruit was beyond the scope of anyone's imagination. Once this walk becomes steady and consistent then the former things just fall off for there is no longer any need for ceremonies, symbolism, or religion.

Some assume to have this relationship because the pastor told them that they already have it. They are only saved,  reborn, but maturity does not come at birth. It is not by faith alone, but by growing in and nurturing this ever improving relationship with the Lord. It is a process and yes, progress.
Read more about "INTELLECTUAL GOD"
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by Unknown in

A mouse jumped over a little boy’s feet on its way to a hiding place, the boy looked at the little creature and was startled. He never saw a mouse before. So he asked his father what was that little thing with a tail? The father said, “Frogs don’t have tails.” The boy said, “So that was a frog?”

“You’ve never seen a frog before huh, son? Well that’s what they do, they hop from place to place and then into ponds and puddles.” Daddy said.  “But this frog went under a house.”

“Where?” Daddy asked his son. The son pointed the place and his dad was puzzled, but then realized that it had to be a mouse.
“Ah, now I get it, it was a mouse Danny. Was it furry?”
“Yes.” The boy said.
“And it jumped over your feet?”
“Yes.” The boy said again.
“Well the mouse took liking to you and wanted to be part of our family. Perhaps the mouse was showing you some affection and wanted to play, but since you got startled; because you have never seen this critter before; it got also scared and hid itself in the crevice of our house.”

The boy did some thinking and decided that all creatures are playful and that they want to come closer to humans, especially children. But what makes them so shy?

The boy grew, went to school until he graduated from a collage majoring in biology. In a very short time he amassed a collection of mice, frogs and all sorts of critters. But those critters did not really want to play. None of them were interested in any relationship with their captor. Danny realized that their confinement is the cause of their resentment; so he wrote theses regarding this phenomenon stating that little creatures must be free and only then their inquisitive nature allows them to be playful. He was right, but only partially.

Danny went on a long trip to the Amazonian jungle and tried to befriend as many creatures as he could. Bug bitten and tired Danny tried to befriend snakes and lizards as well as mice. It was a long and tedious process. He realized that befriending a snake and a mouse at the same time was not a good idea. Befriending a dung beetle and a lizard was also not good. Each creature fed on another and so they were more than enemies, they were at war. When you befriend one you alienate another.  

Danny wondered if animals are also jealous or envious. Some are, especially among the ape family. Freedom to all creatures means also taking their chances at survival. So Danny decided to examine their DNA. To his surprise he realized that their survival instincts are written in DNA and no matter how would you like to change it you would have to isolate each creature and feed it with their preferred food until they lose any appetite for game.

Years passed and the animals have fattened and became lazy. Although the isolation was spacious enough for them to establish a territory of their own, their predatory instincts started to wane so much that their young had nothing to imitate except playing with buzzing insects.

Danny became an old man, but his research was inconclusive for when he was with lions they playfully rubbed their furs against him just as all cats like to do. The antelopes were not afraid of the human omnivore and looked for treats in his hand. Snakes were so familiar with Danny that they too relaxed and slept and he could touch them without any display of any defensive aggression. 

Looking at the clock his time was quickly slipping away. Danny decided to crown his research with the final experiment. He decided to bring all his creatures together into his paradise.

Lions looked curiously at the antelopes and the antelopes at the lions parsing their impulses. Hyenas also acted quite relaxed and curious. Some DNA strands ‘rang bells’ while others rested. Which ringing bell was the right own begged the question. All other critters looked at each other as if they saw them for the very first time. Danny seemed satisfied. One lizard climbed up on a lion playing with his mane. The lion shook his head in displeasure, after all his genes told him that he is king.  The lizard flew off the lion’s mane near by a grasshopper. They looked at each other not knowing what to do. The grasshopper jumped and the lizard ran after him, so the grasshopper jumped again, even higher this time, but the lizard, fascinated with the grasshopper’s hop tried to do the same, so both started to hop.

The king lion took his stalking posture, lowered his posture and stealthily made his way toward an antelope. The herbivore antelope jumped as high as it could. The lion was thrown off his course; he tilted his head as if puzzled by the creature’s behavior. Well fed and lazy he just used his instinct in a playful manner and so did the antelope.

The study was bore fruit, but the seeming success was also expensive. Lions kept devouring the thrown to them chunks of meat, and all other critters ate granulated food made just to their liking. All creatures grazed, chewed cud and eventually stopped paying attention to each other; as if the lost paradise had been found.  

The funding for Danny’s project was withdrawn and there was no more money for food for his animals. The fences were dismantled and the crew left the animals alone. Danny’s health was failing and he needed special care.

A couple of years passed, but Danny’s mind was still on his paradise experiment. He wondered how his African pets were doing; he himself could not go back to see them, he was too frail.

With an oxygen mask on his face, intravenously fed the old man kept fighting the slipping away spark of life.

Danny’s friends came to see him and perhaps say goodbye. But Danny was not yet ready.

“Would you please do a dying man's last favor?” Danny whispered.
“What is it daddy?” Andrew asked his father.
“Please take me back to my paradise. For the last time I want to see how my friends are doing.”

After many deliberations Danny’s friends and family agreed to meet the dying man’s wish. They figured that the old dying man has a choice to either expire on the hospital bed or in the open planes of Africa.

Danny was happy and the spark of life clung back to him; he seemed to be revived and strengthened. But, to get the hospital discharge was a problem. Taking into account Danny’s high stature as a respected biologist the doctors finally agreed to grant a conditional release.

The team arrived at the former camp of paradise. The wooden bungalows they have left behind were in terrible disrepair and it made no sense to restore them.  There was no time to work on them. They set up a tent camp instead. 

Riding in a four-wheeler Rover the team kept scanning the rough terrains for any signs of their now free and wild friends. It was a challenge, which they were no longer accustomed to. Some of the transmitters they have earlier attached to the animals were still emitting signals, although weak yet traceable. Inevitably, they had to track at least one of their friends. And so they did. Some of them where killed by their traditional predators others injured yet still alive.

* * *

During that period of time some other lions stalked and attempted to grab the now free and friendly antelopes, but to their surprise the paradise lions defended their friends. Amazingly they were able to distinguish the wild ones from those they grew up with in paradise. Also the smaller critters did the same for their friends. But how were they able to distinguish between friends and foes? Was it through scent, special markings or some endearing features; perhaps all of them?

* * *

The paradise team spotted a hyena and a nearby pride of lions that just made a kill. As the team approached the scene someone said that the hyena resembles Halo the male hyena from paradise, and the lion’s mane looked like that of King's. Danny reached for binoculars magnifying his view.
“That’s them!” He exclaimed.
“Help me out.” Despite his frailty the old Danny asked for help in getting out of the jeep. He slowly started to walk, first toward the hyena making those old familiar to Halo sounds around the feeding time in paradise. With his ears raised Halo froze still.

“Halo. Is that you? Come here boy.”
The team was still in the vehicle when the hyena bolted toward Danny. They shrieked in fright. “Oh my God, he’s going for him!”

Danny just stood there with his arms opened welcoming his friend, who instead of attacking him behaved like a dog wanting to be embraced, licking the man and dancing around him with joy. The lion pride watched this unusual spectacle but only one started toward Danny. Again the team screeched in fright, but this time with a little hesitance, wondering… watching.

“King, my boy!” Danny cried with excitement. The hyena was still dancing, cowering like all the male hyenas do before a dominant matriarch, squealing softly, overjoyed. The lion went straight for Danny and fell straight into Danny’s open arms and knocked him down to the ground. His mouth still dripping with blood from his fresh kill King was overjoyed, rolling on the ground with the old man and then he stopped. 

King looked Danny over, smelled him and then lied beside him as if guarding the old frail man, perhaps he detected Danny's frialty and although he displayed exuberant happiness; he also displayed signs of gentleness. Danny slowly rolled toward his old pal and grabbed his bountiful crown, his mane, indeed a king of his own castle with pride numbering about twenty.

The embrace lasted a short while. The lion pride looked on puzzled, ‘has their dad gone mad or is he making another kill?’

Those of the old paradise crew moved toward Danny being greeted by Halo wagging his tale like a dog. Everyone was wiping tears off their faces.

Danny remained motionless. At first the lion King acted as a guard over his old friend, then he smelled Danny once more. King gave the last long and mournful farewell roar for his friend and then stretched out his body next to Danny’s. Both bodies, that of a human and that of an animal remained still.

Cautiously, Andrew approached the pair. The team lifted Danny’s body off the ground and carried him to the car.

At the start of the engine, King lifted his head and looked in their direction for the very last time. Halo sat back on his hind lags watching the departure.

Andrew has built upon his father’s legacy. Although his research is incomplete few points must be emphasized as we draw closer to the moral of this story.

* * *

If we can train animals to make peace with each other, even before the Messianic Age, we can do the same for each other today.

“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.” – Said Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 5 and verse 9.
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by Unknown in

A young shepherd tended his sheep on the slopes of a beautiful mountain.  The boy's mother had instructed him to stay on this side of the mountain only because the other side would be dangerous.  She explained to him about the border, the barb wire and the possibility of mines and about the neighboring country.  But all warnings added more fuel to the already burning flame of interest.  Being an inquisitive boy hungry for new experiences he decided just to take a peek at what the other side was like.  The sheep were grazing as usual and there was no need to watch them so he slowly ventured out.  He reached the top and viewed the other side.  He saw strange objects which he had never seen before, so naturally they attracted him.  He moved on closer in order to get a better look.  While moving down the slope, his heart rate increased, beating with the excitement of the unknown.

Suddenly his pants caught on to a thorn bush, so he thought.  The boy lost his balance and fell, sliding down the hill while his pants kept pulling and tearing until the boy found himself wrapped in barbed wire.  Still turning down the hill like a sack of potatoes his skin was bleeding and he was unable to free himself from the wire and barbs.  The place suddenly resounded with short thunders.  All around him the earth was riddled with bullets.  The boy cried for help.  Caught by a bush, the bleeding body hung off a cliff in a blanket of sharp metal.  'Help!  Help!', he cried in despair.  The shooting ceased and the boy heard voices.  The boarder soldiers cut the wire and freed the poor lad.  They carried him off to a nearby watchtower and there they placed him in bed while yelling in a strange tongue.  The terrified soul lost consciousness.  

Hours passed.  The boy slowly opened his eyes.  Now he noticed that he was bandaged and in pain.  The soldiers stared at him mumbling something to one another and pointing in his direction.  Finally someone came who spoke the boy's language: 
"What were you doing up there?"  
"I tended the sheep" the boy answered hesitantly. 
"On this side?”  Silence.  
"Huh?  On this side?”  
"I did not know" the boy whispered.  
"He did not know - he did not know."  
"Didn’t your mother teach you anything lad?" Asked the soldier. Now tears appeared in the boy's eyes.  The soldier repositioned himself in his chair and then sneered, "Hah! Kids. Where do you live?"  
"Down in the valley" was the reply.  
"What valley?"  
"On the other side."  
"Okay. Do you know what you have done?" The boy nodded.  

Time passed and those in charge realized that the boy accidentally fell into their territory; there was no sense to investigate the matter any further.  The boy spent the night in a barrack while the appropriate authorities were informed concerning the incident.  

In the meantime the boy's mother and father worried sick and thinking the worst.  Bullets... mines... death. They wrestled with these awful thoughts, but were not willing to accept them. They inquired their neighbors, friends, police, searched the area, but everything pointed to one conclusion: the boy must have crossed the border. 

About dawn, all hopes seemed shattered. The exhausted parents returned home and waited. Right before noon the police received information about the boy's ordeals and sends their men to the border.  The parents rushed to the checkpoint as quickly as they could. From the other side a group of soldiers approached carrying a bandaged boy.  
"Oh my God!"  
"Look!” She cried to her husband.  
"That couldn't be my boy!" 
"Oh God!  Oh God!  Oh God!  Please...”  

The group arrived at the checkpoint, handed in their written report, exchanged a few words, and then they sat the boy down.  The mother and father rushed to his side with disbelief.  Their boy was bloodily bruised.  

It was hard to find any healthy skin to kiss, nor a possibility to hug him without causing pain. Any words seemed pointless.  The boy was transported home and put in bed to recover.  His mother did not have to repeat herself anymore "Do not reach the other side of the mountain." 

The lesson became as a permanent scar on the boy's life.

* * *

Our God allows us sometimes to go through the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23).  Through the trouble (Psalm 46).  Even through the furnace of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3), but if our hearts are pure and innocent He won't abandon us there.  He will go with us into any place of danger for He is the All-Mighty.
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by Unknown in

A farmer lost his farm.  He loved his farm very much, but due to failing crops the Bank repossessed it.  The poor man dreamed for years about getting it back, but he had no money, neither any prospects for ever getting it back.  But his dream would not go away. He worked on a leased ground, not enjoying it since it was not his.

Years passed, the farmer grew older and weaker, yet his dream of repossessing his land did not go away.  The more he advanced in years the more this feeling of loss became unbearable. Everyone in the village knew his story and felt pity for the aging man. He lost his wife to a strange disease and his sons ran to the glittering cities in search of worldly attractions.  The old man spent his years in loneliness. No family. No land. No real friends.  

The farm was beautifully situated and was coveted by many. A nice piece of land surrounded by hills, trees and streams.  A piece of paradise, but lost.  The dream would not go away, it was gnawing at the core of the old man.  The land changed hands and its value increased.  Upon learning the worth of the man's old farm, his heart sunk into despair since his savings kept loosing its worth each day.  The bankers pitied the old stubborn man but would not give him a loan.  Yet they carefully observed how he diligently kept on saving his earnings.  Banks prospered and the bankers were the land-owners now.  One of the bankers was always trying to cheer the old man up but the bitter farmer would not react.  

Time moved on and the banker began to sympathise with the pain of the old man.  Now he himself could not get any sleep, seeing the pitiful farmer each night before his eyes.  The banker tried to busy himself with other important matters, but the sight of the old man would not vanish.  One day, the banker decided to review the case of the farmer and then realized the injustice done to the poor fellow.  Now his own life was a miserable one.  Something began to eat at his conscience.  All of a sudden he decided to free himself from the undeserved guilt.  The banker himself was the owner of the property for he held the title deed to that miserable piece of land.  He decided to secretly transfer it to the name of the old farmer making him the sole owner of the land just to free himself from the guilty feeling. Then he secretly placed the title in one of the banks' safe, never mentioning it to the old man.  As usual the farmer kept depositing his meager earnings into his account.  The banker tried to cheer him up, but the farmer would not budge, as usual.  The banker sought relief but the relief would not smile on him.  

Weeks passed.  The old farm had his farm redeemed, the price was paid, the property was legally his again, but he did not know it.  One day the banker sent a boy to him with a message: "The farm is legally yours, come and get the paper".  Upon hearing it the old man shouted: "Get away from me, you little rat, making sport of an old man."
"But really," the boy pleaded. 
"Get out of here."The man screamed.  The boy returned to the banker.  
"Well, what did he say?”  
"He threw me out," the boy complained.  
"He threw you out? Is he crazy? I can't believe it. He himself is miserable and he makes my life miserable too."  

A special meeting was arranged with the farmer at the bank.  All the bankers gathered around the old man as he stared at their secretive grins.  "What's going on?", he thought to himself.  His hands were perspiring and his forehead was moistened with tiny droplets.  "Mr. Farmer, the director of the bank wishes to present you with a gift" - an announcement was made.  One of the employees was sent to the safe and the document was presented to the farmer on a silver platter.  "Please open it", the director asked.  With trembling hands, the man opened it and replied "I can't read".  The director said, "It says that the title deed for your farm, which you lost many years ago, now belong again to you, Sir."  

"What?” exclaimed the farmer in total shock?
"Yes, it's true, it is all yours," said the director.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," everyone nodded in excitement.
"You have your farm back, it is totally yours forever."

The furrows on the man's face plowed by sun, wind, and time now became as streams - filled with tears. The old man kept wiping them off with his trembling hand.
"I am the owner!" - he shouted. And for the first time in many years a happy smile appeared on his face.  He hugged everyone, asking each "Did you do it?  Did you?” Then he reached out toward his benefactor and learned the truth. He hugged him and sobbed on his shoulder. The benefactor himself could hardly restrain his own tears for his own ordeal was over as well.

Legally, the old man had had no right to his land before, but by the mercy of one man the law was satisfied. By accepting the hidden reality as truth the farmer found himself in the possession of that which was rightfully his, now deeded to him personally.

* * *

So did Jesus for us.  He paid the legal price, redeemed us from death and now upon learning about it we become one with our Father, the law-giver, and the law has been satisfied or fulfilled.  Now we are in the kingdom of God, our Father by learning His ways the result is in sanctification.  The word "holy" means dedicated only to one thing.  As a wife is holy unto her husband and the husband is holy unto his wife.  Being holy unto the Lord means to be separated and totally dedicated to Him each day and this brings sanctification which in turn leads to the restoration of all things.
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by Unknown in , ,

It was a beautiful sunny day. Fishermen launched their boats for another day's catch. The Island buzzed with visitors, a great opportunity for the locals to improve their business prospects. Boats were moving in and out of the harbor and the fishermen congregated examining their catch. Others shouted greetings across the waters to their comrades. While gluttonously devouring the leftover fish the seagulls mixed their cheerful shrills with fishermen's bellows.

Princess Ilenia slipped through the crowds in disguise in order to enjoy herself by taking part in the activities of the island.  The sun was marauding through the barren sky in solitude.  Its regular companions, the clouds, moved into a different territory that day.  The fiery ball reached its zenith and began to sink into the other side of the sea.  Ilenia's eyes still feasted on nature's ever-changing beauty when a small boat obscured her vision.  She felt a stream of excitement, yet not knowing why.  She realized that someone was watching her with a real interest.  As the boat approached she quickly swayed her eyes away from the horizon and toward the boat.  In that instance she understood the cause of the rising excitement for the boatman. Mesmerized by her sight, he strenuously attempted to turn his head in another direction, but in vain.  Nothing existed except the living sculpture of the girl standing on the shore, frozen... still... breathtaking.  

Their eyes met and locked together as in a mystical bond. Both ends held on to this invisible cord.  Then silence was broken.
"Hello." The man waved.
"Hello." Was the reply.
"Beautiful day, isn't it?"
"Yes, but too bad that it is coming to an end so soon."
"Yeah," the man carried on, "But actually, I was looking forward to sunset. I am tired and hungry."
"Aaah, I see," the princess responded.
"Are you a visitor on the Island?" He asked.
"For the first time?"
"So, how do you like it?"
"Oh, very much.  It is very picturesque."
"I agree," the man continued and then brought the boat to the shore.
"My name is Iconeus, but they call me Ico. What is your name?"
"Ilenia, but you can call me Ila."
"Okay, Ila.  It is nice to meet you."
"Likewise," she replied.  

They kept on exchanging words and glances as they were watching the sinking glittering fireball getting redder and more distant with its setting.  The reddish brush strokes of the painter accented the colors of the endless ocean.  Now their ears instead of eyes began to take pleasure in the harmonious and rhythmic pulse of the waves.  

First stars began to twinkle and silence started to rue for the night.  "Would you like to come with me on my boat to the harbor?", Ico asked.  After a pause Ila replied, "Well, why not."  "Great, hopp in!".  Once the boat docked the two slowly strolled toward the town.  That evening Ico and Ila agreed to have a meal together.  Ila then revealed her true identity, and as everyone already guessed....they fell in love.  

Time passed. Ico and Ila exchanged letters.  Winter arrived and the sea became cold and turbulent.  The people of the island prepared for the off-season.  Ico became restless for he was consumed with love for Ila.  The fact that he was just a simple fisherman in love with a princess was too heavy to bear.  He hated the social structure of the society.  That was the pinnacle of injustice to him.  Nothing else existed in his world but his love for Ila.  

Ilenia suffered also.  Her suffering became unbearable when her father busied himself arranging her marriage with some spoiled royal brat whom she had never seen before.  Time was mercilessly moving on and the king was getting impatient.  Spring was knocking on the door which was the season for wedding feasts.  Ilenia could not bear the separation anymore and decided to travel back to Dietan.  

"Ila, my darling!  I missed you so much.  I cannot live without you.  I am consumed with love.  I would rather die than live without you."  Ico kept embracing Ila, kissing her tears of joy and utter happiness.  She was again in the arms of her beloved.  "Let's run away to a distant country!" - she whispered.  "But what about your father and the kingdom?"  "I don't care, I just want to be with you", she insisted.  But Iconeus was not ready for this.  He didn't have any money, position, or future, while holding in his arms a future queen.  It was a hard thing to digest.  "Oh, I wish that I was born in a royal family.  Why did I have to fall in love with a princess?  An orphan who does not know even his own parents and is loved by a king's daughter?"  Ico despaired.  

The next day Ico and Ila went to visit an old man, a bookbinder named Pharius.  Pharius was someone Ico had known since his childhood, almost like his own father.  He was a kind, upright man, wise and generous.  

"Pharius, it is good to see you," Ico greeted his old friend.
"Oh, Ico.  I am so glad to see you, my son, and who is this beautiful lady?"
"This is Ilenia, the woman I love."
"Bless you my children," Pharius reached toward Ila and kissed her forehead.
"Woman you love, huh?  I don't blame you,such a beautiful lady. So what brings you here, my son?"
"I need an advice," Ico carried on.
"Ilenia is a princess." Pharius lowered his head, his glasses slid down to the tip of his nose, eyebrows raised with his blue eyes wide open, he replied;  "A princess?  You want to marry a princess?" Pharius' wandering back and forth between Ico to Ila. It seemed as if eternity passed and no one said a word.
"A king's daughter and a fisherman. Hmm. An impossible union.  Not in this day and age. I have no advice. Sorry."  

Their hearts fell back into the state of desperation.
"We will run away!"Ila exclaimed.
"We will leave this crazy world of impossibilities. Love has no borders, no limits, no social barriers, love will never be isolated and locked into prison.  Never!  Never!" Her passions were aroused by the injustice of this world and she could not stop herself. Pharius raised his hand signaling as if he was trying to say something very important.
"Ila, Ila, wait.  I understand how you feel. This world is not a prefect place for lovers, yet love is found in these imperfect surroundings. Love is a diamond found in dirty earth and when it is found its price becomes more precious because of the dirt it in which it was found. If we walked on earth made of diamonds, how could we ever appreciate them? Because of this seeming impossibility your love is all the more precious if only one would be willing to pay the price... Well, for the real thing. I mean."

After a pause Pharius continued, "I am connected with royalties and dignitaries. Perhaps we can do something. Perhaps we can even arrange a royal wedding and if the truth comes out you can always run, but then already as one."
"What are you trying to say Pharius?" Ico insisted.
"Leave it to me" he replied.
"Come back to me next week and you will know."

A week passed and Pharius presented his brilliant idea.
"I have arranged for you to be a paper prince just for the wedding."
"What!" Ico exclaimed nervously.
"Yes, a prince." Pharius chuckled. Ico shook his head. "I do not understand." But Pharius carried on.  "I have prepared special garments and royal entourage for you to make you look exactly like a prince.  I even have people who would not hesitate to play the role of high dignitaries in the royal palace. Just for you. For a true love! What do you say?"
"Wow.  I am shocked. I don't know what to say.  It this even possible?"
"Of course. Both of you do not care about social status anyway. All you care about is your love for each other.  Isn't that so?"
"Yeah, we do not care." The princess added.
"Well..." There was a  pause.
"Let's do it." And they all laughed.

Upon hearing the good news, King Hileous was anxious to meet his future son-in-law, the prince Iconeus. Ico arrived with his entourage dressed in exquisitely tailored clothes, handsome, strong and smart looking.

The  young man made quite an impression on the king.

The date was set.

The wedding day arrived.

The capital resounded with music and joyful noise. Iconeus and Ilenia were made one and the feast carried on throughout the entire night. Pharius was the "prince's" advisor and without him Ico would not dare to engage in any conversation with the king.  The wedding feast came to an end, the newlyweds departed for their honeymoon to one of her father's castle in the mountains. The bookbinder had to return to his Island and Ico's entourage with him.  

Soon their honeymoon was over and the young couple returned to the capital. The royal dowry was spent and the fisherman prince had to look for an income; and the royal palace did not feel like home to him. The cost and presence of servants and strange faces was not to Ico's liking. The continual  awareness of him being an impostor was getting on his nerves resulting in tension between the lovers.  Ico wanted to depart for his island and to go back to fishing, but now he would have to have the royal company with him. It was hard to hide anything. Though their secret was not yet discovered they decided to leave secretly for Dirtan. They left a note without any detailed information, but simply stating that they had to leave for the province of Balomeos. The king was not happy about this sudden departure and after some considerable time elapsed the king grew suspicious so he sent spies throughout all provinces.  

Ico and Ila enjoyed the island living humbly from fishing, Pharius was their frequent visitor.  Very soon the king of Balomeos received the devastating message:  "Your son-in-law is just a simple fisherman on the island of Dirtan."  The king hastily arranged a trip.

Following a tip he stood at the doorstep of Ico and Ilenia. His face was cold and frozen, locked in an angry grin. He shouted:  "You tricked me! You impostor! You stole my daughter! You will pay for this!" Ico trembled while Ila huddled behind him.
"Take him", the king ordered.  One of the king's swordsmen grabbed Ico, bound his hands and led him outside the door. Ila was picked up by the other soldier and carried on to the royal carriage and then as prisoners brought to Balomeos.  

The next day, as usual, Pharius came to visit Ico and Ila. He quickly learned from the neighbors what had taken place the day before. One part of his plan had failed and the couple had no chance of escaping now. Pharius despaired. Plagued by guilt and loneliness sleep alluded him that night.  

Weeks past. Ico was in prison and Ila was put into seclusion.  Suddenly a guest was announced.
"Your Majesty, Pharius, the bookbinder, wishes to see you".
Pharius is allowed to come and present the purpose of his unexpected visit.
Pharius had barely crossed the threshold when he heard a thunderous voice of the king.
"Pharius, you conspiring thief! You are responsible for this disaster. I could have you bound and thrown into a dungeon.  How dare you to come to my palace!"
"Please. Please you majesty... May I be heard? Pharius pleaded.
"With your permission, please let me speak."
"Well, what!" The king shouted back angrily. Pharius was permitted to speak.  
"Would your Majesty listen with patience to the words of wisdom, not of a wise man, but of a simple bookbinder." Thus Pharius introduced his monologue. "Your Majesty can see how anyone can be fooled by an appearance, at least for a season though the truth will always come out at the end. anyway  Nevertheless, your Majesty was impressed by the looks and the presentation of the young lad and for a while Iconeus found favor in your majesty's eyes and perhaps has even kindled a warm feeling in your heart. Isn't that true, my lord?" Here Pharius paused parsing through any visible signs of softens, and the continued. "But upon learning the deception your fury took preeminence, not because of Ico's humble status, but rather because of the insult done to your royal pride." Here he paused as if checking the new climate.  

"I have documents with me proving the birthplace and the family tree of Iconeus. When he was just a baby, I rescued him form a burning palace in today's non-existent province of Cataloris. During the war, the kingdom of Sutaleos fell into the enemy hands. The palaces and castles were burned down and people were exiled. King and the queen of Sutaleos were carried away into an unknown region of their exile. What happened to them no one knows. However, before their departure, they managed to hide their son, leaving him in care of the Providence."

"Those of us who have survived went to scavenge the royal palaces and estates. In one of the palaces I found an almost suffocated by the smoke baby boy. My heart went out to this little crying thing blackened with soot.

I settled in Dirtan and learned my trade, raising Ico as my own son.  I never revealed his real identity and I never would have done so had he not fallen in love with the princess.  Ico, in his ignorance, followed my plan to disguise himself as a prince and you took the bait.  The truth of the matter is that he is a real prince, although he still does not know it. Don't you think that someone should tell him?"  Pharius ended his tale.

The king was very moved by the story. He examined the documents and then replied, "You are a bookbinder. You have the skill to forge any important document. Why should I believe you?"
"I have gone through much trouble to obtain these documents from different sources, survivors who used to serve at the royal palace. Here are their marks of attestation to this truth."Pharius replied and continued, "Your majesty has the absolute freedom to make up his mind; to believe or to doubt me. I cannot force my Lord to believe me. Ico's kingdom does not exist. The royal couple, his parent, may even be dead.  All that is left is my story and these documents which are real." Pharius kept assuring the king.  

Both parties became silent. A gentle cool breeze swept through the chamber. The king took a deep breath and said, "Bring the prisoner!"  

"Pharius!",Ico cried with joy upon seeing his old friend.
"I am so happy to see you!"
Pharius knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and said, "Your Highness, Pharius the bookbinder at your service."
Ico opened his mouth in disbelief.
"What are you doing?  What's going on?"
The king rose from his seat then approached Iconeus, placed his arms around his neck and kissed him, and with a quiver in his voice said, "My son, please forgive me..."

The prince was immediately brought into the king's chamber.  The queen rushed in after hearing the good news.

Ilenia was brought to the chamber and then quickly ran to her husband. Soon the scene was that of hugging and kissing with tears of joy.

"This calls for a feast!" Thundered the king.

* * *

In the Old Testament we read about God's wrath, but upon reading some more we come to understand that this wrath of His does not emanate from God's heart but rather from His garments.

He put on righteousness like a breastplate and a helmet of salvation on His head; and He put on garments of vengeance for clothing  And wrapped Himself with zeal as a mantle (Isaiah 59:17). 

Do you know the heart of your heavenly Father? Jesus introduced us to Him. 

Then the LORD passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth… (Exodus 34:6) 

That's who He really is. Everything else is His garment which He puts on and takes of when dealing mankind, the time zone and our fleshly attachments. God is Spirit.  
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